January 7, 2022

In yet ANOTHER attempt to divide the people Jean-Yves Duclos decided to put words in the Canadian people's mouths by stating that the unvaccinated are putting a strain on the vaccinated.
Our people are tired and the only way as we know through COVID–19, be it this variant or any future variant, is through vaccination,' Duclos said at a press conference Friday
Duclos signalled Friday that provincial governments should be discussing mandatory vaccinations, saying it is a conversation that has to happen as unvaccinated patients continue to put strain on hospitals.
We know that statement to be utterly false as we see the majority of confirmed cases have been in the vaccinated. Also the majority of hospitalized individuals are fully vaccinated.

According to a Danish Study, the fully vaccinated are more likely to transmit the virus than the unvaccinated.
You can read that article here:
We also recommend this article discussing the findings that the triple vaccinated are 4x more likely to test positive for the virus.
The media along with our government have been counting on the publics ignorance in order to get away with their blatant lies in order to further their agendas.
Asked about mandatory vaccination, he said in French, “I personally think we will get there at some point.”
According to a translation on CBC, he added, “I see it coming personally. Not now. I don’t think we are there yet. But I think discussions need to be had about mandatory vaccinations because we have to get rid of Covid 19.”
Duclos told a press conference that any decision would be in the hands of provincial governments, but he said the unvaccinated were creating a sizeable burden on others.
“What we see now is that our health care system in Canada is fragile. Our people are tired and the only way as we know through COVID–19, be it this variant or any future variant, is through vaccination,” he said.
Here is the video from Canada's largest propaganda outlet.