By Dan Frieth October 27, 2022

The government of Australia’s New South Wales state has requested a parliamentary inquiry into the use of AI-based technologies like biometrics for digital IDs and facial recognition.
The Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government Victor Dominello said that the inquiry, which will be conducted by the state’s parliamentary Committee of Law and Safety, will explore how the use of AI in public service delivery could be expanded throughout the whole state.
“AI has the potential to significantly improve service delivery and quality of life in a host of areas, including transport, health, and cyber security. It is imperative that we remain at the forefront of this ever-emerging space,” said Dominello.
“Whether it’s facial recognition, use of biometrics to enable digital identity, or use of AI and algorithms for data analysis, we must strike the right balance between advancing technology and safeguarding privacy and security. The Committee will examine these issues in depth to help ensure our policies and legislative framework is fit-for-purpose,” he added.
In an article published on LinkedIn, the minister insisted on the ethical nature of the inquiry.
“I understand the reforming power of technology. I am also acutely aware of its destructive power – if we do not put guard rails in place. For this reason, I recently wrote to the Parliamentary Law and Safety Committee and asked for an inquiry into the ethical use of AI,” he explained.