January 16, 2022

The governments of New South Wales (NSW), Victoria, and South Australia are contemplating forcing a third covid injection on workers.
Western Australia has already mandated for workers, making it the first, a third “booster” shot for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). That directive was issued on Dec. 22 on top of an existing vaccine mandate.
“The emergence of Omicron throughout the world and on the east coast is extremely concerning – case numbers are skyrocketing, as is the number of people in hospital,” announced Premier Mark McGowan, a prominent Branch Covidian politician who has been forcing covid fascism on his constituents for many months.
In South Australia, health care workers under a new potential mandate would be required to get “boosted” within four weeks of becoming eligible, or else lose their jobs. Australian drug regulators have currently only approved the Pfizer and Moderna booster shots, both of which contain mRNA (messenger RNA) technology.
On Jan. 10, New South Wales, Australia’s most populous state, ordered all education staff to receive a booster. That announcement came not long after authorities ordered all children 5-11 to get injected with the first two rounds.
“As we prepare for the start of Term 1, our focus remains on keeping our staff and students safe,” announced Georgina Harrisson, secretary of the NSW Department of Education. “Adding a booster shot to the vaccination mandate will help maintain confidence that schools are a safe place to learn and work.”
“As with the initial vaccine mandate, we will ensure school-based staff have sufficient time to obtain their booster, and I encourage everyone to secure an appointment when their booster is due.”